
Sunday, February 3, 2013


What is the milestone into the Austin food world? Food trailers. The food trailer business is something taking hold in a lot of areas of the country but nowhere can it take off like in Austin. Austin seems to be first in line for all new and hip ways of dining.

Jackie and I decided to finally check one out and after researching menus from Sushi-A-Go-Go, Odd Duck, Holy Cacao, and Man Bites Dog and then we decided on Torchy's Tacos. This one popped up on our Google search more than the others and well- Mexican food from a truck in Austin? Hard to beat.

i had the chicken fajita taco and Jackie had the fried avocado. Yes, that is green chile queso which was completely worth the whole venture.

With rickety and colorful park benches and cool umbrellas, you can get a little Vitamin D and feel happily full. After a trip to Barton Springs and a food trailer, i'm starting to feel a little bit more Austin.

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